Reality check. How often do you hear,
"I was admitted into the hospital because of food poisoning" or, "I was involved in a car crash" even, "My parents are getting a divorce"
In real world now, yes quite often. But sometimes, you'd never really imagine it would actually happen to you. So here's my testimony, my story.
This year, I have found myself on the ground, so many times. As many times I have found myself on the downside, I try to regain myself. From time to time, there has been soul searching and learning about my true self.
This year, I was admitted into a hospital for food poisoning. With all my heart, I want to thank God for healing me.
This year, I was involved in a car crash. I was in the backseat, and the car was spinning. I didn't know what to think. We hit the curb, yet we did not turn. There was a hill behind us, yet we did no roll down. The billboard post right beside the car the moment we stopped. We did not hit it. By God's grace, me and my siblings we unhurt. No even a scratch on us. Amazing isn't it?
This year, I found out my parents are getting a divorce. Shocked beyond my imagination, I tried so very hard to keep myself up and going. With God's amazing love and peace, I have been pushing through and still am. I could never thank Him enough. His love and truth which has set me free. His peace, constantly filling me. His strength which kept me going. For some of us, it has been a tough year. It definitely has been for me. But one thing for sure, I know I'll keep standing tall and strong because I've got Jesus in my heart.
Today, I'd like to encourage you to keep pushing through even when the world around you is crumbling. He will always be here with you just like He's always here for me. He has got his hand help out for you, reach yours out and take His. He is the ground beneath your feet so don't be afraid. Victory is on your side once you've got Him.
So do not fear, for I am with you ;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you ;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
- Isaiah 41 : 10
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
hello people! since no one wants to update this blog =/
i shall then! i was suppose to share this on thursday morning during prayer meeting but everyone was late. so i didnt manage to share this and since our blog is dying, i think i should just post it here.
have you ever been caught off guard by temptation?
there's this quote, by someone i forgotten the name. he says,
'if we entertain temptations, soon they'll be entertaining us'
satan is skilled at making sin attractive to us.
very true indeed!
and temptation is guaranteed to happen! no one, as in NO ONE is excluded. not even pastors, elderly or whosoever! and worst! temptation seems to always pop out when you're not ready!
are you scared already? hehe
hakuna matata! no worries for life!
we've a promising God with us!
'no temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful ; he will no let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you're tempted, He will also provide you a way out so you can stand up under it'
- 1 Corinthians 10 : 13
- you're NOT the FIRST to experience temptation or the LAST. there are many out there going through the same thing
- God is trustworthy and faithful. we can take Him at His words and believe Him 100% and count on Him to be there for you even at your lowest moment.
- God wont allow enemy to throw more than you can handle
- God will provide a way out and He's always ready to assist us!
convincing enough? =)
'its not temptations that set them apart, its the response to it'
keep that in mind people.
God bless!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Prayer Points!
Hello people!
Since we're on CNY breaak edy (YAY!) so we won't be meeting up every morning/afternoon for prayer meeting already right? BOOHOOOO!
But we won't let this CNY break shut our spirit & fire down right!?
And here I've a few prayer points.
Please pray for :
1. Eugenie's grandmother (she's in hospital now and is very ill)
- she'll be fine and will be healed
- God's peace to reign over their family
- strength and peace to face everyday
2. Huei Lin's mother (her mum has got into an accident and is currently placed under intensive care and monitoring)
- Speedy recovery on her mum (good response to the treatment)
- God's peace to reign over their family
- strength and grace to face everyday
- salvation to others family members
3. For CF
- to continue growing in numbers
- to be more active
- salvation to newcomers
Alright CF-ers! Are you ready to pray!?
the testimony by Casovia is clear enough!
our God, is BIG!
our God, is GOOD!
our God, is a HEALER!
p/s : anymore prayer request? you can mail us or just drop us a message at cbox.
and eugenie, please update us.
Since we're on CNY breaak edy (YAY!) so we won't be meeting up every morning/afternoon for prayer meeting already right? BOOHOOOO!
But we won't let this CNY break shut our spirit & fire down right!?
And here I've a few prayer points.
Please pray for :
1. Eugenie's grandmother (she's in hospital now and is very ill)
- she'll be fine and will be healed
- God's peace to reign over their family
- strength and peace to face everyday
2. Huei Lin's mother (her mum has got into an accident and is currently placed under intensive care and monitoring)
- Speedy recovery on her mum (good response to the treatment)
- God's peace to reign over their family
- strength and grace to face everyday
- salvation to others family members
3. For CF
- to continue growing in numbers
- to be more active
- salvation to newcomers
Alright CF-ers! Are you ready to pray!?
the testimony by Casovia is clear enough!
our God, is BIG!
our God, is GOOD!
our God, is a HEALER!
p/s : anymore prayer request? you can mail us or just drop us a message at cbox.
and eugenie, please update us.
Prayers Can Move Mountains
testimony from our very own vice president 2010, Casovia Khoo!

There was a time this year that I made my mum mad at me. For the first time in my life, we did not talk to each other for a week time.
My mum even decided to reconsider letting me go for mission trip this year. That was too much for me! I had been looking forward to it for the past one year, and with that, plus a little disagreement, mum and I stopped talking.
I thought that it wasn't a big deal, so what if I did not talk to my mum?
But not long after that, I began to realize how much I missed my mum's warm voice and our usual chit chats.
I went through a terrible week, I locked myself in the room studying the whole time as PMR was near.
I knew thats things couldn't go on like this forever, but because I was afraid to talk to my mum, I talked to God instead. I prayed really hard every night asking Him to mend our relationship, that everything will turn out OK, and last of all, that I would be able to go for mission trip.
Guess what!? All my prayers were answered. My mum and I are even closer than ever now. Oh, I even went to mission trip in December and shared this testimony with the people there!
I think prayers are fantastic! No matter how short, how insignificant your prayer may seem, God heaars every one of them
All you've got to do is to have faith in Him,
then, you'll see mountains move!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
CF board
CF board is done and it's finally posted on the board! It's beside the enterance where you go into the teacher's room. So go and have a look and tell us how you think about it. It was done by Audrey and me and it might be something not really nice but we tried our best. Sorry if there's mistake about the board or this post because this is the first time Im posting something here.
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