Monday, March 14, 2011

First CF meeting :)

Hey people! I'm truly sorry for the late post. So how is everyone's first monthly test exam? Just remember to pray to the Lord no matter what (: 

Sooooo, we had our very first meeting last last Saturday. It was pretty successful *claps* and credits to all committee who put much effort in the meeting (:
Practice before the meeting.

the meeting started with Lih Tyng's introduction then ice-breaking game.

How was the game? 
Jocelyn's face says it all (:

Looks like Tong Shin made a new friend!
And also Ashley!
 Result of the ice-breaking game.

It continues with Praise & Worship leaded by Tong Shin.

Making Melodies is a must song for every meeting (:

Our president, Lih Tyng explaining how to play the game.

Later on, our vice president Casovia Khoo's sharing about God's love.

The meeting ended at 12 sharp after all the activities. Thanks all for coming! See ya for the next meeting (: God bless.

Oh and there, a picture of Nilasha and Xin Ee's posting. Hope it will cheer up your day (:


Friday, March 4, 2011


Heylooooo sisters in Christ! Sooo how are things in 2011? I'm sure God blessed you more than enough :D
Just so you know ( how could you not know it but oh well), we haven't had even one CF meeting and it's already March! :/

But, FEAR NOT! We're finally having our first meeting of the year, 5 / 3/ 2011, 11am in 3K! Are you excited? Cause I am! :DD *jumpsaroundscreaming*

Please please please please show yourself tomorrow alright! We have sooo many things for you :D

To know Him more, to praise Him, to be thankful for His love.
Come one come all! Invite all your friends, make this meeting a kick start! You will have nothing but fun with us, and God.

See you tomorrow! God bless you, and YOU!