Thursday, July 1, 2010

we're blessed to bless

hi all. if you missed out today's prayer meeting, you missed out the awesomest devotion from our very own awesome prayer coordinator, seetongshin

so i'll just list out what i can remember okay  :)

  • Lifting each other's burden.
its like a cycle, it doesnt matter if you're having a whole load of burden or you're carrying super heavy load on your shoulder, you can still offer to help other people, your friend especially to lift up their burden. as you help someone, God will denifitely send someone to lift yours as well. its like a cycle you see!

  • Imagine someone offers you a hand
easy, just imagine. you're having a veery very big problem, you're upset. and suddenly, someone call you up and ask if you're okay, if you need help. you'll go like "WOAH" and at that point, you'll feel like you're the most blessed girl on earth right? so go, call up someone tonight !

  • Serving God with all you've
dont have to be scared. dont have to tell yourself  "no. i'm not good enough. she's better than me. i can't serve. i'm not perfect" . just surrender it all ! everyone has a talent, and God doesnt give us that talent to keep it, but to use it to serve him. and if you've those thoughts of  " i'm not perfect, i can't serve " . you're definitely wrong. BIG BIG mistake, bcos no one is perfect, no one can be perfect. so if you can only serve when you're perfect, you'll never serve

basically thats all right? sorry if i missed out some. maybe you can personally approach tongshin and ask her to share it with you again? i bet she'll be delighted to  :) 

god bless, everyone!

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