I went for a camp last year, and i learned that, there are actually different words for different kinds of love. Since our blog is gonna be dead -if i don't update or do something-, i decided to blog about love. =) Basically (as i know) there are four kinds of love. Storge, Phileo, Charity/Agape and Eros.
Agape is a Greek word, actually. In new testament, Agape is often translated as ''love''. How is it different from other types of love? No, it's not referring to love as in sexual or romantic love. Nor it is brotherly or family love. It's self-sacrificing love. So, now you know where to use this word Agape? Yes, it's God's love. God agape us.

Now now, how does phileo works? It’s a Greek word used to describe friendship that’s developed between two or more people - the bond can be very strong and it’s easily mistaken for agape love. At its best, it will produce a bond between people that’s not easily broken, the best example of which in Scripture is probably the friendship that existed between David and Jonathan (I Sam 18:1ff).
Now now, how does phileo works? It’s a Greek word used to describe friendship that’s developed between two or more people - the bond can be very strong and it’s easily mistaken for agape love. At its best, it will produce a bond between people that’s not easily broken, the best example of which in Scripture is probably the friendship that existed between David and Jonathan (I Sam 18:1ff).
Sorry, i don't know what language is this. HAHA. It refers to natural love that we show. As in towards family. Do you ask yourself, why do you love your parents? Your brothers, or your sisters? Even if you do, do you get a reason?
Like, ''Why must I love my parents?'' ''Oh because they give me allowance and buy me nice clothes.''
No you don't have to ask questions like that, because it's naturally in us. You will not do anything to hurt them. It's more like a bond that no matter what external forces coming against us, we'll be there for each other and will never break us up. Storge love binds the family together and strengthens its ties.
Sorry, i don't know what language is this. HAHA. It refers to natural love that we show. As in towards family. Do you ask yourself, why do you love your parents? Your brothers, or your sisters? Even if you do, do you get a reason?
Like, ''Why must I love my parents?'' ''Oh because they give me allowance and buy me nice clothes.''
No you don't have to ask questions like that, because it's naturally in us. You will not do anything to hurt them. It's more like a bond that no matter what external forces coming against us, we'll be there for each other and will never break us up. Storge love binds the family together and strengthens its ties.

And the last but not least, Eros. Okay, we've talked about God's sacrificial love, brotherly/friendship love and family love, what's left? Yes, sexual/romantic love. Don't get all excited kay. HAHA. When you find someone attractive and stuff like that, eros is what you're gonna feel. I guess Eros also makes you do anything for that another person you Eros. So now the problem is, does God send His only Son because he Eros us? The answer is, no. God doesn't send His Son because He thinks mankind are attractive and stuff. So, you Eros your future husband but you don't Eros God, you Agape God.
And the last but not least, Eros. Okay, we've talked about God's sacrificial love, brotherly/friendship love and family love, what's left? Yes, sexual/romantic love. Don't get all excited kay. HAHA. When you find someone attractive and stuff like that, eros is what you're gonna feel. I guess Eros also makes you do anything for that another person you Eros. So now the problem is, does God send His only Son because he Eros us? The answer is, no. God doesn't send His Son because He thinks mankind are attractive and stuff. So, you Eros your future husband but you don't Eros God, you Agape God.

Just a short summary :
Agape : God's sacrificial love.
Phileo : Frienship/Brotherly love.
Storge : Family love
Eros : Sexual/ Romantic love.
Soooooooo, the conclusion is.
YOU PHILEO me, audrey. Just joking, you must phileo everyone. ( yes, including your enemy. That's what God wants us to do).
YOU EROS , wait cannot, you're still very young kay. Not out of high school yet. At least12 years from now! YOU EROS YOUR HUSBAND.
Agape : God's sacrificial love.
Phileo : Frienship/Brotherly love.
Storge : Family love
Eros : Sexual/ Romantic love.
Soooooooo, the conclusion is.
YOU PHILEO me, audrey. Just joking, you must phileo everyone. ( yes, including your enemy. That's what God wants us to do).
YOU EROS , wait cannot, you're still very young kay. Not out of high school yet. At least12 years from now! YOU EROS YOUR HUSBAND.
p/s : First time doing this so please tell me if i've done any mistake about the information kay.
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