Friday, June 4, 2010


Hey you people! I bet when you see this post, you're already in a very good mood. Right, right, right?? After all the stress and staying up late to study, at last we can really rest our minds and just relax for a few days. Annnndddd, holidays are hereee! I know most of you probably had your plans for it already, but remember, always spare time or take a break from every situation to talk to God.

About what?
- Are you in trouble? Is anyone you know in trouble? Instead of dwelling on it all the time, take a break. Tell God about it and trust Him for a solution.

- Are you feeling great (which i think probably most of you are) right now? Tell God about it!

- Is something bugging you? Do you want to get something off your chest? Talk to a trusted Christian about it and make a prayer request.

- Has someone in your fellowship blackslidden? Pray for the person! Spend time with them and do your best to urge them return to the Lord.

Pray with faith by recognizing that God's will in all that matter is the best. Which means pray earnestly and sincerely, and God will surely answer your request in an aaaaaaaawwwwwweeeeeessssssoooommmmmmeeeeee way.

I know lah everyone of you very busy during the holidays. Go dating, go out with friends but take a break and talk to God. Few minutes or even an hour, just take a little of that time. You will find yourself to be a more effective Christian =)

And so, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! God will be blessing each and everyone of you and be by your side ALL THE TIME =D


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