Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Knock Knock

Remember when once every year all the CFs, literally all CFs in every school gets sooo excited about an event? Well well well, in case you don't know anything about it, it's the Inter School Rallyy. Annd guess what? It's baccckkk!!! *rolls on the floor and laughs happily*

For the theme this year, we have 'Snoozing?' Yessss, wake up you people!!!
Brought to you by Interschool Christian Fellowship, we're gonna have the rally in Hin Hua Auditorium on the 31st of July, Saturday. From 6.30pm - 9.30pm. Soooo, why sitting around at home doing nothing when you have an event of the year going on??

Stop being such a lazy pig, clean yourself and make yourself there alright? Free admission some more okeeehhh. Air-conditioned, great band, superb sketch and fun speaker, there isn't even a single reason for you to not show up!

Okay i'm gonna tell you a personal experience here =)
Every year i heard so many things about the rally and i really wanted to go like every year but always did not at the last minute. You know lah, friends ditch me, this and that. And I always regret so much after listening all those fun times/things from the other friends who went. So last year, like finally, I went even though it was me being all alone. But dare I say, it was the best event ever. Have you seen anyone having fun even though they are all alone? No, right? yeah that proves how good the event was. The speaker was like super hilarious!

So promise me something alright? Show yourself in that event like pretty pretty please. You will not regret!!

And btw, for the rally we need 5 - 6 person each for logistics and ushering., which means in total we need around 10-12 of you! But we still haven't confirmed the names yet although it was told 2 months ago. Soo please give your names to Lihtyng, Audrey or Eugenie okaayyy, don't be shyy!! Drop your names in the cbox, facebook, or personally contact one of them.

I guess that's about it =) Enjoy the rest of your holidays (which technically 3 more days left since it's already 12.06am now), God bless!

p/s : Names names names names names names for logistics and ushering!
p/p/s : Make yourself available on 31st July. see you there!

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