Thursday, June 24, 2010

Meta Camp 2010

hi all! sorry for this overdue post, weekye's testimony from meta camp.

read right till the end, its a really good testimony, i like!

When the first time I heard about Meta Camp, it was a 'no' for me. Finding for excuses trying to reject this offer. But then, thinking of all the double chores I have to do, I changed my mind and said 'YES'! Spending my holidays with God might be a good idea!

I'm always very antisocial and as a normal Christian, I attend church every Sunday, join bible study and maybe some activities from youth. I only serve God when my church members told me to do so. God's love and grace for me was just that level

After listening to Pastor Rudy's experience on saving people from demon-possesed, raising the death, etc. It really opens my eyes and I want to see more of God's miracle. Serve God willingly, be in God's level, not asking God to lower down himself to our level.

In our lives, we'll often be involve in fights and arguements. Get really furious and angry with someone, and the anger inside of us make us hate them. But we should forgive and forget, reborn and repent. Whenever we heard the word 'REPENT', we often think it as a bad thing and feel sorry for ourselves. But no, the bible called it the good news and that we should be happy that we repented. We must also promise ourselves that we'll never turn back to our old sins.

Although it may be hard to forgive someone you really hate, and satan would be pulling you backwards. Pray to God, do your part and leave the others into God's hand

'For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a random for many'
- Mark 10 : 45

So let us learn how to serve, and in our lives enthrone Him
Each other needs to prefer for it is Christ we're serving

- Weekye

told cha! its one really good and inspiring testimony  :)

god bless!

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